Maintenance Tips

A "check engine" light can be a warning sign for a very large number of different problems, not just with the engine. Here are the 10 most  common repairs.
1) Failing oxygen sensor - Oxygen sensor malfunctions  
have always been one of the most common car problems, mostly caused by  
internal leaks, burning oil or using gas with a higher ethanol  concentration than recommended. A malfunction such as this can result in as much as a 40% drop in fuel economy as the engine won't be able  
to properly adjust the fuel/oxygen levels.
2) Loose fuel cap/Fuel pump cap  - In some cars a loose gas cap can  
trigger the check engine light and make you stress out over a tiny  problem. When the fuel cap is loose or missing it allows gas to  
evaporate from your fuel tank. It only takes 5 seconds to see if  tightening the cap makes the warning light disappear or a tiny expense if the cap needs to be replaced.
3) Failing catalytic converter- Average repair:  The reason you never want to  hear it around your car is that this part won't fail unless there is a  bigger underlying problem. Even by itself, this is the most expensive  repair on the list and the cost continues to rise. The expense is so  
high because of the precious metals catalytic converters contain.
4) Bad spark plugs and wires - When these items fail they can cause  
the engine to misfire. You will no doubt hear the engine acting  different than usual and see your gas mileage decline. Replacing a  spark plug is a very cheap fix but the price goes up once there is  damage done to other parts of the system, usually if the problem has  
been there for some time but was ignored. If you have a basic  understanding of car repair, you can ask your mechanic to show you how  
to do it yourself next time. Always ensure you get original spark  plugs for fixing.
5) Malfunctioning mass air flow sensor-Problems with this sensor can  
result in a 10%-25% reduction in fuel economy. The mass air flow  
sensor measures the air in the engine and calculates how much fuel to  inject. Ignoring this problem will most likely make your engine  overheat.
6) Faulty ignition coil-Ignition coils can malfunction due to high  
temperatures and the overall age of the car. An ignition coil failure  can affect other systems, including the catalytic converter so it's  
important to fix it as soon as possible.
7) Faulty ignition coils and spark plugs - These two systems work hand  
in hand so often a failure in one will also damage the other. If you  only came to get one of them fixed but your mechanic says there is a  problem with the other as well it's a very likely he is telling the truth.
8) Dead battery and charging system- Modern cars have computers that  
alert drivers to battery problems as soon as possible. But most cars  
still won't let you know until you try to start your car and can't.  Typically, batteries should be replaced every three years, but extreme  
temperatures can shorten their life. It's always recommended to have a  
pair of jump-start cables in your car just in case.
9) Faulty exhaust gas recirculation valve - Cars with an Exhaust Gas  
recirculation (EGR) problem can experience misfires, rough idling and  engine hesitation. The result can be compromised performance, reduced  fuel economy and problems passing emissions tests.
10) Faulty vacuum hose - Much like bad spark plugs, this is also a  problem that’s fast and easy to fix but will cost a bit if done by a  
professional. This is a problem that happens over time and can't  really be avoided unless you take really good care of your car. The  hoses develop cracks and leaks over time due to repeated heating and  
cooling. When there's a leak, the system that traps vapors from  evaporating gas in the fuel system malfunctions. The "check engine"  light will turn on once the car will detect these dangerous fuel  
vapors in the engine.

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